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Report on the Implementation of the Second Round of Provincial Ecological Environment Protection Supervision and Rectification of Yulin City

Report on the Implementation of the Second Round of Provincial Ecological Environment Protection Supervision and Rectification of Yulin City

From July 14 to August 7, 2021, the fourth provincial ecological environment protection inspection team (hereinafter referred to as the inspection team) conducted the second round of provincial ecological environment protection routine inspections on Yulin City. On September 8, 2021, the inspection team provided feedback on the inspection to the Yulin City Committee and the municipal government. In order to comprehensively complete the second round of provincial ecological environment protection routine inspection feedback rectification tasks, further improve the level of ecological civilization construction and environmental protection, and promote the continuous improvement of the city's ecological environment quality, according to the Notice on Issuing the "Yulin City Ecological Environment Protection Inspection Report" (Shaanxi Environmental Protection Supervision Office [2021] No. 37), our city has formulated the "Yulin City Implementation of the Second Round of Provincial Ecological Environment Protection Inspection Report Feedback Rectification Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Rectification Plan"), which has combed out 43 issues. As of now, 31 rectifications have been completed. The implementation report is as follows:

Always bear in mind the "national big picture" and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility for ecological environment protection:

Fully implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. The Yulin City Committee and the municipal government adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics for a new era, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, give priority to ecological and green development, and propose to work hard in ecological environment protection. The rectification of feedback problems from the second round of provincial ecological environment protection inspections is regarded as a major political task and important livelihood project. The important speeches and instructions of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection in Shaanxi have been incorporated into the theoretical learning of the Yulin City Committee and the municipal government. Eight centralized learning sessions have been organized. The role of the Party School (Administrative College) as the main training ground has been continuously played, and Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, as well as a series of provincial and municipal policies, decision-making deployments, and laws and regulations related to ecological environment protection, have been included in the content of the main class learning, further enhancing the sense of responsibility and consciousness of leaders at all levels in the city to do a good job in ecological environment protection and solidly promote ecological civilization construction.

Resolutely shoulder the political responsibility for ecological environment protection. Strictly implement the party and government's joint responsibility for ecological environment protection and double responsibility for one post. Set up a leadership group for inspection and rectification work with the main leaders of the Yulin City Committee and the municipal government serving as dual leaders to command and supervise the inspection and rectification work. The main leaders of the Yulin City Committee and the municipal government have effectively fulfilled the responsibilities of the first responsible person for inspection and rectification, and have held 37 meetings, including the Standing Committee of the City Committee, the Executive Meeting of the Municipal Government, and special promotion meetings to study and deploy rectification work. The main leaders and leaders in charge of the city and municipal government have personally taken the lead and directed them in front, and the leaders on duty have conducted research and inspection every week to effectively promote the rectification of problems from the provincial environmental protection inspection. The "Rectification Plan" has been formulated to clearly define the goals, measures, deadlines, responsible units, and acceptance units one by one, and to progressively strengthen the rectification responsibility, effectively promoting the implementation of rectification.

Comprehensively promote the implementation of rectification tasks. According to the requirements of strict rectification goals, strict rectification measures, strict responsibility transmission, strict rectification cancellation, strict supervision and accountability, not letting go of unclear reasons, unresolved problems, inadequate accountability, unimplemented rectification measures, failure to establish long-term mechanisms, and societal dissatisfaction, we will concentrate efforts to overcome difficulties in accordance with the "Rectification Plan" and continuously promote the establishment of a sound long-term mechanism. The key tasks of supervision and rectification will be included in the city's task list for pollution prevention and control, and a "five-one" work mechanism will be implemented. The municipal government's responsible comrades in charge will check the rectification work once a week and hold a progress meeting once a month. The municipal party committee and government's main responsible comrades will hold an environmental work evaluation meeting every quarter, and the supervision and rectification work will be included in the evaluation report content. An environmental problem investigation will be carried out every six months, and an environmental protection work assessment will be conducted at the end of the year. Strengthen scheduling and management, strictly check progress and supervise results, and take key supervision measures such as letters, interviews, etc. Issued the "Several Provisions for Further Strengthening Ecological Environment Protection Work (Trial)" and the "52-Item Action Plan for Ecological Environment Protection in Yulin City in 2022". Based on achieving full coverage of municipal ecological environment protection inspections in 2021, the ecological environment protection inspection feedback and rectification work will be included in the city's 2022 inspection and assessment plan.

Strictly implement ecological environment protection supervision, assessment, and accountability. Make ecological environment protection an important content of the annual target responsibility assessment for counties, cities, districts, and municipal departments, use public satisfaction with the ecological environment as a major subjective evaluation content for high-quality development in counties and cities, and use assessment results as an important basis for assessing the leadership team and leading cadres. Strengthen the use of assessment results, and do not give commendations or awards to the main responsible comrades and responsible comrades in charge of the county, city, and district who fail to complete the annual target tasks and rank last. For those who are not resolute or thorough in implementing the responsibility system for ecological civilization construction and environmental protection as well as those with strong public feedback, the main responsible comrades of the units will be interviewed, and they will be required to conduct a profound inspection to the municipal party committee and government. All four problem clues transferred by the inspection team have been processed, with one person receiving a major demerit, two people receiving administrative warnings, seven people receiving admonitions, thirteen people receiving reminders, and one person and seven units being ordered to conduct written inspections.

Make every effort to fight against pollution and continue to deepen the prevention and control of environmental pollution

Deepen the blue sky defense campaign

Promote continuous improvement in air quality. Taking the improvement of air quality as the core and the reduction of heavy pollution weather as the focus, strengthen the coordinated control of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3), and issue the "Yulin City Blue Sky Defense Campaign 2022 Work Plan", "Yulin City 2022 Ozone Pollution Prevention and Control Work Plan" and "Yulin City 2022 Autumn and Winter Atmospheric Pollution Comprehensive Control Action Plan", to carry out the attack against ozone and pollution in autumn and winter. Explore the implementation of performance-based control of enterprises during heavy pollution weather, and complete the preliminary review of North Yuan Chemical A-level enterprise, Shenmu Fu You and Lansheng Yulin Chemical B-level enterprises, to help achieve high-level ecological environment protection and high-quality economic development. From January to December 2022, the comprehensive air quality index of Yulin central urban area was 3.69, with an improvement of 3.1% year-on-year, and the improvement rate was the second highest in the province; there were 320 days of good air quality, an increase of 7 days year-on-year; the average concentration of PM10 was 53 micrograms per cubic meter, with an improvement of 5.4% year-on-year, and the improvement rate was the second highest in the province; the average concentration of PM2.5 was 25 micrograms per cubic meter, with an improvement of 3.8% year-on-year, and remained first in the province.

Strengthen the monitoring and tracing of atmospheric pollutants. Build an integrated control platform for atmospheric pollution sources in the "sky, land, and air", and establish 300 high-altitude observation points covering the entire city. With a focus on unorganized emissions from enterprises, establish 102 online monitoring platforms for VOC unorganized emissions and 295 online monitoring platforms for dust emissions from factory boundaries. Strengthen the construction of a grid-based supervision system at the city, county, township, and village levels, and improve the accurate pollution source control system that combines civil defense, technical defense, and online and offline linkage, forming a new pattern of accurate supervision of atmospheric pollution sources, with comprehensive improvement in pollution tracing, problem diagnosis, and emergency response capabilities.

Continuously promote clean heating transformation. Expand the scope of centralized heating, adopt clean heating methods such as gas, electricity, heat, and centralized biomass heating according to local conditions, and continuously improve the coverage of clean heating. By the end of December 2022, 4900 households had completed centralized heating, 36,862 households had switched from coal to gas, and 10,740 households had switched from coal to electricity. Energy-saving renovation had been completed in 4906 buildings, 1294 kilometers of gas pipelines had been constructed, 342 kilometers of power grid had been transformed, 16 public institutions had been renovated, 240 new energy user demonstrations had been established, and 1 new energy public institution demonstration had been established.

Carry out the treatment of volatile organic compound pollution. Conducted 51 aerial monitoring checks, inspected 41 gas stations and 2 large-scale oil storage tanks, found 18 oil and gas pollution problems, and punished 14 gas stations. Conducted comprehensive inspections of automobile repair shops and 4S stores, found 13 problems, punished 8, and closed 6. Conducted random joint law enforcement inspections on cooking units and small vendors for oil fume pollution, dealt with 48 cases of oil fume pollution, and rectified them all.

Promote the development of new energy vehicles for motor vehicles. Focus on the use of vehicles in public areas, and increase the proportion of new energy vehicles such as urban buses, urban logistics and distribution vehicles, light postal and express delivery vehicles, taxis, online car-hailing services, government vehicles, and light environmental sanitation vehicles through new additions or updates, compared to the previous year.

Strengthen fine control of construction dust. Establish and dynamically update a list of construction sites and exposed land, strictly implement the "six 100%" dust pollution prevention and control measures for construction sites. Strictly enforce the "red, yellow, green" card management system, include the deadline for rectification for the "yellow card", include the legally mandated suspension and rectification for the "red card", and cancel the selection of civilized construction site qualifications for twice receiving a "red card" within one year. Organize joint law enforcement inspections of building construction every month.

Vigorously implement the clear water defense battle

Carry out monitoring of 18 urban centralized drinking water sources in the city as required. Conduct monthly water quality monitoring of the drinking water source at or above the prefecture level, quarterly surface-type drinking water source water quality monitoring of the county level, and semi-annual underground-type county-level drinking water source water quality monitoring. The water quality compliance rate of urban centralized drinking water sources will reach 100% by 2022. Set up more than 60 signs and signs in the "10,000 People, Thousand Tons" drinking water source in 5 towns, and set up fences and nets of 10 kilometers in densely populated areas of level 1 protection zones. Conduct monitoring of surface-type "10,000 People, Thousand Tons" water sources every quarter, and monitoring of underground-type "10,000 People, Thousand Tons" water sources every half year. Thoroughly review the 46 approved water sources, draw and publish vector maps of the protection zones for drinking water sources in the 46 towns, and resolve the pain points and difficulties in site selection, routing, and avoidance of water source protection zones for construction projects.

Finally, strengthen the monitoring of water quality of factory water, pipeline water, and end-point water. According to regulations such as the "Water Quality Standards for Urban Water Supply", "Hygienic Standards for Drinking Water", and the "Regulations on Urban and Rural Water Supply and Use in Shaanxi Province", arrange 8 water sampling points daily within the scope of water supply to cover 11 daily inspection items, including main pipeline water and end-point water; arrange 20 water sampling points monthly to cover 36 monthly inspection items, including all water sources, factory water, pipeline water, and end-point water; and send the factory water from each water plant to the Xi'an monitoring station of the national monitoring network once a year for inspection, covering 106 inspection items. The water quality monitoring results will be proactively published every month on the official website of the Yulin Municipal Construction Bureau, the official website of the Yuyang District Government, and the WeChat public account of the Yulin Water Company, and the annual comprehensive water quality compliance rate will be 100%.

Continuously improve the governance of national and provincial key sections. Conduct investigations and surveys on all river sections' critical nodes in the city, issue 16 standardized plans for meeting the standards of each of the 16 national key sections, and provide guidance for improving the city's water environment and pollution control. Actively carry out the pilot project for comprehensive water environment governance and sustainable development in the Wuding River Basin, plan and implement the comprehensive water environment governance project for the national key sections of the Wuding River Basin, and strive for a special fund of 55.1 million yuan from the National Development and Reform Commission. Promote the Luhe River comprehensive governance project, which has received 45 million yuan in funding from the Central Ecological and Environmental Governance Fund. From January to December 2022, the proportion of excellent water quality in the city's 16 national key sections reached 93.75%, and all Grade V sections were completely eliminated. According to the water quality report for the first three quarters of the year from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the water quality of the city's national key sections improved by 13.24%, ranking 22nd in the country, and it is expected that the city will rank first among all prefecture-level cities in terms of the degree of improvement in water quality for the entire year.

Carry out investigations of discharge outlets into the rivers. Issue notices and plans on carrying out investigations and rectification work on the discharge outlets into the rivers in Yulin City. Clarify the scope and objects of investigation, formulate relevant work plans, strengthen monitoring and classification management, and implement a system for eliminating the registration of unrectified discharge outlets into the rivers. A total of 182 discharge outlets were found in the Yulin urban area, and a ledger management system was established. Review, monitor, register, sort and identify the data for the outlets is currently underway.

Address the issues of littering and damaging the river environment and hygiene. Carry out a special campaign to improve environmental hygiene in the entire area of Yuyang River, Yuxi River, Shahe River, and Qinqi River. Conduct a comprehensive investigation of the dirty and disorderly environment on the river surface and slopes, install 372 nets with a total length of 1116 meters, and conduct strict investigations of 101 drainage outlets, effectively putting a stop to more than 40 incidents of illegal discharge. Currently, the water quality of Yuyang River, Yuxi River, Shahe River, and Qinqi River meets the standards, and the surrounding environment is kept in good condition.

Promote the ecological flow control of key rivers and lakes. Issue the "Yulin City's Major River Ecological Flow Guarantee Plan", conduct on-site supervision and inspection of Cai Tu Gou and Yaozhen Reservoir, establish a data ledger for ecological flow discharge, and formulate guarantee plans. Conduct ecological flow surveys of Wuding River, Tuo Wei River, Ku Ye River, and Hongjian Nao, establish and improve the cross-regional ecological compensation mechanism for Hongjian Nao wetland water replenishment, and complete the annual task of wetland water replenishment of Hongjian Nao by 1 million cubic meters.

Increase the reuse of recycled water. Include recycled water in the unified allocation of water resources. Approve the use of urban recycled water in Yuyang District, Hengshan District, Shenmu City, Fugu County, Jingbian County, Yuheng Industrial Park, and Yushen Industrial Park for industrial production, with 15.047 million cubic meters/year approved for use by water-taking enterprises at the municipal level. Actively apply for the pilot project of reclaimed water utilization allocation in Yulin High-tech Zone, which is expected to increase the use of reclaimed water by 5 million cubic meters per year, and the demonstration will drive the use of reclaimed water in the city.

Solidly carry out the battle for defending the ecological environment

Solidly carry out the remediation and assessment of the historical "Xiaolan coal" industrial site pollution source, complete the remediation of 10 historical "Xiaolan coal" industrial site pollution sources in Fugu, and incorporate them into the "National Soil Pollution Site Management System."

Effectively control the risk of soil pollution in construction land, and earnestly carry out the work of safe and efficient use of key construction land. Solidly carry out the investigation of soil pollution status in "one residence, two public" land since 2019, completing a total of 180 investigations of "one residence, two public" land, 69 historical land investigations, and 111 daily "one residence, two public" land supply investigations.

Complete the classification of soil environmental quality categories for farmland in the whole city, forming 13 sets of "one map, one table, two reports" and category classification vector databases at the city and county levels. Combined with the third soil pollution census, actively carry out monitoring of agricultural film residues, coordinated monitoring of agricultural product origins, and investigation of the quality of the ecological environment in farmland.

Focus on key areas and resolutely follow the high-quality development path of ecological priority, green, and low-carbon

Build an ecological barrier in the middle reaches of the Yellow River

Strengthen the ecological protection of the Yellow River. First, resolutely prevent secondary desertification. Issuance of a series of documents, such as the "Yulin City Five-Year Action Plan to Prevent Secondary Desertification and Land Greening," the "Implementation Plan for the Yulin City Five-Year Action Plan to Prevent Secondary Desertification and Land Greening in 2022," and the "Opinions on Promoting Social Capital Participation in the Quality Improvement and Efficiency Enhancement Action of the 'Forest City on the Silk Road' Ecological Protection and Restoration Project in 2022," etc., to comprehensively implement key forestry projects such as artificial afforestation, degraded forest restoration, upgrading of along-the-Yellow-River protective forests, and high-quality development, and complete the afforestation and grass planting area of 1.0999 million mu, the transformation of 40,000 mu of low-yield economic forests, and the tasks of 50 forest villages, 50 beautiful rural areas, and 10 million voluntary tree planting. Second, enhance the ability of soil and water conservation. Promote the model of ecological comprehensive treatment in Gaoxigou, Mizhi County, and construct 20 ecological revitalization demonstration villages. Comprehensive construction of soil and water loss control projects such as the Yellow River coarse sediment interception project, loess plateau silt dam construction, and comprehensive treatment of soil and water loss on sloping farmland. Construct 485 sediment interception projects and 33 silt dams, implement comprehensive treatment projects for soil and water loss on 120,600 mu of sloping farmland, implement reinforcement projects for medium and large-sized dangerous silt dams, and add 930 square kilometers of soil and water loss control areas.

Strengthen the intensive use of water resources. First, fully implement the "four waters and four fixed" policy, establish a "1+2" water resources management and control system, issue the "Implementation Opinions on the Rigorous Constraint of Water Resources in Yulin City (2021-2025)" and the "Yulin City Water Resources Management Measures," and develop the "Yulin Water Supply Network Map". Implement total water consumption and intensity control, and strictly control the development of high-water-consumption industries. Second, comprehensively rectify illegal water withdrawal behaviors, continue to increase efforts to crack down on illegal use of groundwater, and handle 19 water-related cases in Jingbian County, burying 16 water wells on-site and handling 5 cases in Dingbian County. Third, continue to promote the governance of overexploitation of groundwater, complete the preparation of the "Treatment Plan for Overexploitation of Groundwater in Jingbian County (2021-2025)," and have passed the review of the "Yulin City Groundwater Protection and Utilization Plan," "Dingbian County Water Use Pressure Reduction Plan," and "Jingbian County Water Use Pressure Reduction Plan." Establish a joint water-saving action committee and a project joint review mechanism. By adjusting the planting structure, implementing sub-surface drip irrigation planting and high-efficiency dryland water-saving agricultural projects, Dingbian and Jingbian counties have reduced the amount of groundwater extraction by about 28 million cubic meters, and the groundwater level in the overexploitation area in Jingbian County has increased by 6.77 meters compared to the same period last year. Fourth, accelerate the construction of the backbone water network, and steadily promote the Wanggedu to Jingbian water diversion project and the Huanghe East Route Mazhen water diversion project. Fifth, strengthen the comprehensive utilization of mine drainage, with a total of 235 coal mines in the city producing 210 million cubic meters of water in 2022, of which 77.69 million cubic meters were used by enterprises themselves, 74.81 million cubic meters were supplied to other enterprises, and the utilization rate was 72.6%.

Scientifically and orderly advance carbon peak and carbon neutrality work

Entrust institutions such as the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, and China International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. to conduct special research on "High-end Energy and Chemical Base Construction under the Dual Carbon Goals," establish new ideas for low-carbon development in high-carbon cities, and accelerate the transformation of high-carbon industries to low-carbon industries, the entire coal chemical industry chain to reduce carbon emissions, continuous expansion of carbon sequestration forest areas, adjustment of transportation structure, and upgrading and transforming traditional industries through paths such as optimizing industrial structure and transforming bulk chemicals to terminal products and industrial chains to high-end products.

Complete the preparation of the "Yulin City Carbon Peak Implementation Plan," the "Implementation Opinions on Fully Implementing the New Development Concept and Doing a Good Job in Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality," and the "Implementation Plan for Building Yulin National Energy Security Base and Energy and Chemical Industry Demonstration Zone (2023-2030)," and organize the drafting of the "Yulin City 14th Five-Year Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction," promoting the transformation of energy consumption "dual control" to carbon emission total and intensity "dual control."

Carry out the construction of key cities in the waste recycling system, organize the preparation of the "Demonstration City Construction Plan for the Waste Recycling System in Yulin City," improve the waste recycling network system, enhance the level of processing and utilization of recycled resources, and promote the development of second-hand commodity trading and remanufacturing industries.

Eliminate outdated production capacity and optimize industrial structure

According to the "high energy consumption in the early stage and low energy consumption in the later stage" characteristic of coal chemical projects, plan a batch of projects across the entire industry chain to provide terminal support for high-end, diversified, and low-carbon development. China Coal and Yulin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the State Energy Group, jointly build a large-scale coal-based biodegradable materials base. Shaanxi Coal Yulin Chemical builds the largest domestic electrolyte production base through the hierarchical utilization of coal. Yanchang Petroleum Group plans to produce vinyl acetate and EVA products based on its existing industrial foundation. Shandong Energy Group plans to build a demonstration base for high-end coal-to-oil industry. The largest epoxy resin project in northwest China has started construction.

According to the strategic cooperation agreement signed in 2019 between Shaanxi Province and the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, construction has been initiated for a scientific research and innovation base led by Yulin Zhongke Clean Energy Innovation Research Institute, an industrial demonstration base centered around Yuheng Comprehensive Pilot and Demonstration Base, and a science-education integration base led by Yulin Branch of Energy School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. A total of more than 1 billion yuan has been invested, and Yulin Zhongke Clean Energy Innovation Research Institute has been put into use. Yuheng Comprehensive Pilot and Demonstration Base has introduced two pilot projects and four industrial projects, with the research building being operational in July and standardized workshops to be completed by the end of 2022. More than 20 experts from the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences have been selected to work in Yulin, and 43 joint training master's students and 309 undergraduates have been recruited.

The center has applied for the National CCUS Key Technology Innovation and Evaluation Center, jointly built Yulin Energy Research Institute with the Beijing Petroleum Planning Institute, and established the Smart Energy Joint Research and Development Center with Zhejiang University to accelerate the integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain.

Analyzing and judging the development of industries, 19 key industrial chain work progress reports are reviewed on a weekly basis, and monthly review meetings are held five times to listen to the periodic progress reports of each industrial chain and timely coordinate and solve major problems. The "Chain Leader" enterprise identification method has been issued. Nine provincial key industrial chain projects and 20 provincial industrial structure adjustment guidance special fund support projects have been applied for, including 18 projects related to structural adjustment, optimization, and upgrading, and two projects related to high-tech.

Promoting the transformation and upgrading of blue coal, it has been clearly stated that the capacity of blue coal will only be reduced and not increased, all blue coal furnaces with a capacity of less than 75,000 tons will be dismantled, and the treatment of wastewater and VOCs will achieve full coverage. By the end of September 2021, 238 blue coal furnaces with a capacity of less than 75,000 tons have been eliminated, involving a production capacity of 11.975 million tons. By the end of December 2022, among the 432 blue coal units with a single furnace capacity of less than 75,000 tons in 32 metal magnesium enterprises in the city, 135 have been dismantled and 124 have been shut down. According to the feedback from the central ecological and environmental protection inspection in our province, all 432 blue coal production units will be eliminated by the end of September 2023, involving a production capacity of 10.39 million tons.

Control "two highs" projects to ensure the "dual control" of energy consumption

Conduct a comprehensive review of planned, under-construction, and completed "two highs" projects in the city, establish a management list for "two highs" projects. Conduct a special study on the transformation and upgrading path under the carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals in Yulin, and proactively reduce 45 "two highs and one capital" projects from the original planned projects in the 14th Five-Year Plan, with a total investment of 700 billion yuan.

Resolutely control the blind development of "two highs" projects. Among the 112 existing "two highs" enterprises with problems in the city, 81 have completed rectification with a completion rate of 72.3%. The remaining 31 enterprises have problems such as no water intake license and no energy evaluation approval, all of which have been shut down for rectification and are in the process of handling relevant procedures. Among the 38 under-construction projects, 12 of the 29 energy-saving review projects that started construction without approval have obtained energy evaluation approval and are being expedited to resume work.

Implement flexible management of total energy consumption and annual energy consumption intensity, establish an energy use budget management system, and issue energy use pre-examination opinions for 28 projects, such as Guoneng's 200,000-ton polyethylene acid, Baijiarui's 2.6 million tons of alcohol and ester fine chemicals, etc. Strictly implement energy-saving review for fixed asset investment projects and energy consumption index substitution.

Pilot the promotion of energy use rights trading. Issued the "Implementation Plan for the Pilot of Paid Use and Trading of Energy Use Rights in Yulin City" and the "Management Measures for the Pilot of Paid Use and Trading of Energy Use Rights in Yulin City (Trial)" and established an energy use rights trading platform. Released the first batch of 260 key energy-consuming units included in the trading list and will soon carry out the first online energy use rights trading.

Accelerate the intelligent level of energy-saving management. Established an online energy consumption monitoring platform, with access to 647 enterprises, to realize online transmission of energy use data and force enterprises to improve energy efficiency.

Carry out routine energy-saving inspections. Currently monitoring 368 enterprises, issued 300 notices for rectification within a time limit, and imposed fines of 260,000 yuan.

Strengthen the ecological civilization construction in the mining area

The "Yulin City Mining Area Ecological Protection and Restoration Plan (2021-2025)" has been completed and the "Notice on Further Improving the Ecological Restoration Work in Mining Areas" has been issued. The "Implementation Measures for the Fund for Geological Environment Governance, Restoration and Land Reclamation in Yulin City Mining Areas" has been formed. We will strengthen the protection of the geological environment in mining areas, and solidly carry out the work of geological environment governance, restoration, and land reclamation in mining areas. By 2022, the accumulated area of geological environment restoration and governance in mining areas will be about 93.24 square kilometers, and the goal of "no new debts, fast repayment of old debts" in mining ecological restoration will be basically achieved.

We will conduct a verification of historical legacy mining areas, complete the comprehensive survey of geological environment in Yulin City's mining areas, and pass provincial acceptance. We will also complete the field verification of historical legacy mining areas and pass the review of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

We will strengthen the construction of green mines and issue the "Yulin City Green Mine Construction Work System (Trial)". 20 mining enterprises in the city have been included in the national green mine list, 49 mines have been included in the provincial green mine creation database, and 159 large and medium-sized mining enterprises have launched green mine construction.

We will solidly carry out the "Ming Pan" governance, comprehensively promote emergency disaster prevention and control, and ecological restoration of backfilling and reclamation. Among the 60 comprehensive governance projects, 21 projects that do not involve moving coal need backfilling and reclamation, of which 18 have completed backfilling and reclamation. 39 projects that involve moving coal need to be stripped and withdrawn, of which 36 have signed stripping and withdrawal agreements and have been notarized and publicized.

Accelerate the adjustment of transportation structure

Guided by planning, we will strengthen the optimization of railway transportation structure. The "Yulin City's 14th Five-Year Plan for Railway Construction" and the "Yulin City's 14th Five-Year Plan for Comprehensive Transportation Development" have been issued. The plan adheres to the development direction of "turning coal and other bulk goods from road to rail" and the development of container multimodal transport. It prioritizes the development of railway dedicated lines for enterprises with a capacity of more than 1.5 million tons, moderately develops transport hubs, focuses on strengthening the construction of railway dedicated lines for large-scale industrial and mining enterprises, optimizes the organization mode of railway transportation, promotes transportation cost reduction and efficiency improvement, and accelerates the construction of a new pattern that adapts to the specialized line network and railway transportation with modern logistics. As of the end of 2022, among the 42 large-scale industrial and mining enterprises with a capacity of more than 1.5 million tons dispatched by the Provincial Ecological Environment Protection Inspection Work Leading Group Office, 23 enterprises have access to dedicated railway lines, accounting for 54.8%.

Divide responsibilities and work together to promote the construction of dedicated railways. As of the end of 2022, out of the 34 projects planned by the provinces in 2019-2020, 27 have been approved, 17 have been completed and put into operation, and 1 has been completed and undergoing trial operation. Coordination efforts have been made to promote the construction and operation of the Dahai Ze Coal Mine Railway, the Shaanxi Hongdong Haoqiang Logistics Co., Ltd. Railway (Zhongji), and the Shaanxi Shenda Logistics Co., Ltd. Railway, with the China Energy Group agreeing to build the Gushan River to Yinziwan dedicated railway, and the Western Railway Bureau participating in the establishment of the Yankuang (Yulin) Railway Co., Ltd. to promote the construction of the Caojiahuochang to Niujialiang Mining Area dedicated railway. The Yulin Energy Group has also initiated the construction of the Yuheng 2x350MW thermal power co-generation project dedicated railway by. By applying for central coal reserve projects, efforts have been made to promote the construction of dedicated railways for some coal mines and power plants.

Next, our city will deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization ideas, strictly follow the modernization strategic deployment of building a beautiful China and promoting harmonious coexistence between man and nature in the new era and new journey proposed by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the new requirements put forward for ecological civilization construction and environmental protection work in the new situation and new tasks. We will adhere to comprehensive governance, systematic governance, source governance, and highlight accurate pollution control, scientific pollution control, and legal pollution control. We will focus on high-quality rectification of ecological environment problems, fully engage in the sustained battle to consolidate and improve the ecological environment, comprehensively promote ecological restoration, resolutely implement the requirements for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, solidly promote green transformation, continuously deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system and mechanism, and constantly open up new horizons of "green waters and mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains". We will promote the development of ecological civilization in Yulin to a new level. 

(Source: Yulin Ecological Environment Bureau)

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